

Enable Gen Z to live a life of outrageous pleasure.

Response: We found that people are afraid of processed food because many believe that only luxury things can bring pleasure to your life. Velveeta wants to show that pleasure can be found everywhere you just have to be the one to take that path.

AD: Hill Jones, Izzy Hernandez

CW: Megan Johnson, Leah Fletcher, Falcon Wiles

Step or Slide

By setting up slides in subways, we remind people that they can still find pleasure in something as stale as a morning commute. The choice to leave the path of normalcy could not be represented more than sliding into a new state of mind.

Practice Patience or your Putting

Delay this, layover that, airports can make you wait and Velveeta understands this. Sit down and pick a fit or get up and pick up a putter.

Hit the Books or the Dance Floor

College students need a break from the monotony of studying, so we broke the boredom by taking over unused study rooms in libraries and hosting silent discos. We gave students the chance to take a breather from their work and just let loose. Another world was just beyond the wall, they just have to step through the door.

Exit Ramp or Ramp it up

We installed musical roads in several of the most trafficked cities across the country. Here, the different frequencies of the bumps created various notes, and the assortment of notes made music.

To hear the music, drivers would set their cruise control to 40 MPH and feel the vibrations flow through the car. We gave people the choice: add a little pleasure to their daily dreaded drive or let the moment pass them by.

The Choice Is Yours

“There’s a world of pleasure out there you have been afraid to indulge in. A world that exists rather you choose it or not. The choice is yours”


